Updated on May 23rd, 2023
Since the beginning of the pandemic, AEF has worked to create the safest environment for students, in compliance with the guidelines established by the Italian government, the Tuscan Region and the Comune di Firenze (national, regional, and local levels). We continue to monitor the current regulations, adjusting all necessary protocols and procedures so that the highest standards of health and safety are maintained in our programs.
Before departure
AEF faculty and staff will give their full support to students in preparation for their departure. The Italian Government and Tuscan Region guidelines on Covid-19 safety and hygiene regulations will be duly communicated to students.
Arrival in Florence
Welcome! Your experience in the city of Renaissance has just begun: Florence – with its streets, piazzas, and iconic beauty at every corner – will be your classroom, for a real immersion into Italian art and culture.
Requirements for Entry into Italy
Information for travelers from each country is available on the Ministry of Health website.
Covid-19 Green Pass Certificate
The Covid-19 Green Pass Certificate is the official European certification for the completion of an authorized vaccination cycle. Showing the Green Pass Certification is no longer required.
Vaccination requirements
Although vaccination is no longer mandatory to access the school’s premises, AEF perceives itself as a community based on respect and social responsibility, where each member is in charge not only of their own safety, but also of everybody else’s. Hence, having completed a vaccination cycle is strongly recommended.
The obligation for wearing a mask indoors has been lifted except for health care facilities.
Social distancing
The obligation for keeping 1m distance in the classrooms is lifted.
We will try to answer all your questions about your experience, but if you have further questions or doubts, do not hesitate to contact us: we’ll be happy to answer!
AEF is compliant with the Regione Toscana Covid-19 regulations.
Students who test positive will need to isolate for 5 days from the day of the test or from when symptoms presented.
At the end of the isolation period, it is mandatory to wear a FFP2 mask for 10 days from the initial symptoms or positive test result.
Although a negative test is no longer required at the end of the isolation period, AEF highly recommends testing before coming back to school.
Positive students will be able to continue attending classes online, from the apartment, and will be constantly assisted and supported by the AEF staff. Please, contact the Student Life Office immediately if you have symptoms or test positive.