Connecting Art and Community in Florence


The course stems from a triangular collaboration between AEF, the Verso Oklahoma company, and the Montedomini nursing home in Florence. For years, Verso Oklahoma has been dedicated to bringing theater to disadvantaged communities, such as prisons and nursing homes. "Shakespeare in Nursing Homes" is a term-lasting theater workshop in which nursing home residents and young students alike participate, culminating in a site-specific performance based on Shakespeare's plays. AEF students will embark on this journey throughout the semester, participating in the workshop and the production of the show.

Learning outcomes

• Students will learn to assess the needs of a community and the outcomes of a creative placemaking project.
• Create a cultural project that responds to the immediate needs for sociability and well-being of a local community.
• Organise and participate in a theatre project in a non-artistic context
• Work with a diverse group of stakeholders to ensure the success of the initiative.
• Appreciate the social and political power of art and theatre as tools for addressing social and human needs. 

Language of instruction


Ccourse type



4 US credits - 6 ECTS


once a week; 3h 30min