Business Ethics


This course will develop your understanding of managerial and organizational principles through considering the role of ethics in business operations, including corporate social responsibility and sustainability. You will examine the origins, theory and practice of these closely interconnected issues. We will discuss specific ethical issues, such as global climate change, environmental abuse, overpopulation, energy use, and food problems. We will also examine several topics related to the impact of international business on human rights, turning lastly to a more explicit debate on possible solutions to ethical and environmental issues. 

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Identify key industry practices in corporate social responsibility.
- Describe how organizations create value implementing CSR policies. 
- Analyze possible conflicts when implementing CSR policies. 
- Explore the main theories and ideas of the word “ethics”.
- Apply theories towards solving conflict resolution in organizations. 

Language of instruction


Course type



4 US credits - 6 ECTS


once a week; 3h 30 min