To enroll at AEF, please send the completed enrollment form along with any other documentation requested. The deposit to be paid is the Enrollment Fee plus 50% of the Tuition fee, of the Housing fee and of the Meal Plan if requested. The payment can be made by credit card through our online link or by wire transfer.
Deadlines* To enroll at Accademia Europea di Firenze, you must send by March 1st (Fall Deadline) / September 1st (Spring Deadline), the Enrollment form.
* A copy of the deposit receipt of the 50% payment by March 30st(Fall Deadline) / September 30st (Spring Deadline)
* The balance due must be paid by April 15th (Fall Deadline) / October 15th(Spring Deadline)
* Payment can be made by international postal money order, banking deposit, or credit card online
* Any cancellation request must be sent to Accademia Europea di Firenze via email by June 1st (Fall Deadline)/ December 1st (Spring Deadline), in order to receive a refund of up to 70% of the program fee.
* For any and all cancellations received after June 1st (Fall Deadline) / December 1st (Spring Deadline), no refunds will be issued.
Study Visas
Students who are citizens of countries outside the European Community, should inquire at the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate or at the website: to determine whether or not they will require a study visa, and where and how to apply. Visa application will require the Certificate of Registration that AEF provides with the Confirmation.
Each student is responsible for obtaining their Student Visa. Once here, AEF will assist them in securing the Permesso di Soggiorno and other government documentation. Students are responsible for any/all relative fees for these outsources services and documents. AEF is not responsible for cancellations due to the failure to obtain a visa to enter Italy.
Students who are citizens of the member states of the European Community do not need a visa. It is however advisable that they request an E111 from the Health Services of the country, if they want to be covered by the Italian National Health Service.
It is advisable to have insurance that covers you for accidents, illness, theft or loss: AEF and apartment landlords cannot be held responsible. You may also be asked to demonstrate insurance coverage as a part of the requirements for your visa.
Courses and AEF building hours
The lessons and extra-curricular activities take place from Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 7:00pm, with the exception of Academic Fieldtrips that may occur on weekends, and optional weekend Faculty-led cultural activities.
Lessons missed for reasons independent of the school cannot be made up.