Who knew four months could pass so quickly. In the blink of an eye my time passed at Accademia Europea di Firenze, gaining a wealth of experiences, vastly improving my Italian and immersing myself in the culture
I arrived in August, with the late summer heat and quickly took advantage of exploring the countryside on my bike and getting to know the surrounding Tuscan area. I also quickly found a local climbing centre, to make the most of the good weather. It was the perfect way to meet more local Italians who helped to shape my cultural experience, welcoming me into their lives, customs and homes.
As time passed, I delved into the many museums and galleries Florence has to offer, indulging in some of the world’s finest art. To discuss these cultural cornerstones with colleagues and friends at the Accademia was the icing on the cake, an interchange of recommendations, ideas and love for the city.
Another thing that I was lucky enough to experience with friends in the city were the many markets Florence had to offer. From vintage clothes, to one of a kind trinkets and some fantastic Italian food, it was the perfect way to spend a weekend afternoon with friends, and practice my Italian with locals.
The start of each new month brought new students and the ability to test my language at the Accademia, seeing the progress with my own eyes. What started as a few words over the many cups of coffee, biscuits and pastries turned into full blown conversations from parties and celebrations in the city to the Fiorentina games I’d started to religiously attend on the weekends.
These football games quickly became a regular highlight for me in the city, shoulder to shoulder with the Fiorentina Ultras, I quickly fell in love with the club. I’d argue there aren’t many more environments better suited to learn a language through immersion, making friends with locals and learning phrases you wouldn’t anywhere else in the city.
Another way I scratched beneath the touristy surface of the city was through live music. A passion of mine that Florence catered for perfectly. Whether it was the many record shops, live music bars and events that took place throughout the city, conversations over shared love for music or art allowed me to vastly expand my vocabulary and meet plenty of like minded friends.
I soon discovered my favourite spot to relax and get some peace outside the city in Fiesole, the ancient Etruscan village poised in the hills overlooking Florence. A village brimming with ancient history, but also some great spots to grab a pastry and a drink, it offered the perfect escape. The sunset view only added to its tranquility.
As winter arrived the Christmas Market, lights and hot chocolates gave the city an unmissable festive feel. A bittersweet feeling hit me as I realised my time was drawing to a close, but a final weekend packed with my favourite activities in the city was the perfect way to end.
Overall, Florence and AEF gave me an unforgettable four months. Four months in which my Italian grew in leaps and bounds, I met a wealth of new friends from all over the world and local to Florence and I immersed myself in culture that I’m sure will shape the rest of my life.