
Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world

Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world

Art, literature, and architecture are the fields for which Italy is traditionally known throughout the world. A city of beauty par excellence, Florence is one of the top destinations chosen by international students, especially Americans, who last year were more than 15 thousand to arrive in the Tuscan capital. However, that's not all: in fact, the Italian language is among the most studied in the world. . Let's find out why.

With a total of two million and 145 thousand students spread across 115 countries of the world, Italian ranks fourth among the most studied languages on a global scale in 2018, registering an increase in the number of students equal to 3.85%. One is left wondering why out of a total of 60 million inhabitants in the peninsula and 67 million speakers throughout the world, Italian is placed only at the twenty-first place among the most spoken languages in the world. Why do so many decide, therefore, to approach the study of the language of the Old Country?

Among the main factors of preference, is undoubtedly the fact that Italian is universally recognized as the code of art par excellence: all over the planet, art historians, archaeologists, humanists, critics and figurative arts experts must confront this language. These reasons of research and study are accompanied by more purely economic factors. In fact, Italy is synonymous with quality, merit and prestige in the design-related sectors, in high fashion, in the world of food and in everything related to wine production.

Studying Italian is therefore essential for anyone who wants to specialize in the fields of art, luxury and excellence. It is no coincidence, therefore, that among the 330,000 American students who left their country last year for a period of study abroad, the most requested destination, after the United Kingdom, is Italy. Of these 35 thousand - 10.8% of the total - more than half chose the Tuscan capital.

Studying Italian in Florence offers a privileged point of view: the city where the most brilliant minds in the history of humankind have been inspired - Leonardo, Michelangelo, Dante, Botticelli, to name just a few. An immersive and stimulating experience, in contact with the greatest masterpieces in the world. An opportunity to grow professionally, artistically, and –why not-from within.