

jimmiOne Ordinary College Student, Ninety Extraordinary Days

Ciao! If you're hoping to discover what it's like to study abroad in Florence, you've come to the right place, my friend. And here’s the thing, now is the PERFECT time in your life to see the world. AEF welcomes you to join them and experience Florence. Why watch it on TV and read about it in books when you can see it in person?

Allow me to take you on a journey...


studying jazz in florenceKitija Ernstsone is from Latvia and is a musician. In her country, she studied piano and saxophone, under classical training. When it was time to decide which direction of studies to pursue, she felt she had to cultivate her growing passion for jazz. She also wanted to enrich her experience with a period of study abroad, and began to look around. And so, in 2016 she arrived at AEF. "The course offering at AEF rich and interesting, and the opportunity to come to Florence fascinated me, so I made my decision.