At the end of the Spring Program 2021, the Accademia Europea di Firenze is pleased to present La Notte delle Arti, an evening dedicated to the arts that will see on stage the singers of the AEF Opera Workshop, the dance students of Elon University and the dancers of the Kinesis CDC company. The event is organized in collaboration with the Florence Dance Center.
There's a wonderful trip waiting for us and it won't have to be postponed for any reason. This time, however, the program is a little different than usual. The destination is not a new country, but a new language! It may seem strange, but in reality there are many similarities between learning a language and travelling, let's discover them together.
A walk through the streets of Florence together with Dara, a Canadian student at AEF, is the perfect opportunity to discover the path that brought her to Italy and the dreams she would like to realize.
November 30 is a special date for the history of Tuscany, but we have to step back in time until November 30, 1786 to understand why. That was the day when Tuscany adopted a new penal code, and became the first State in the world to abolish death penalty.
During Fall 2019, students in Elon University’s Integrative Core Capstone have had the opportunity to study the topic of Love through the art in the Uffizi Gallery, the writings of Dante and Petrarch, a performance of La Traviata, and field observations throughout the city.