My name is Kyriaki, I come from Cyprus and I arrived in Florence in 2015 to study dance at the Accademia Europea di Firenze. If I were to select one of the key moments for my formative training here in Italy, I can’t help but think about the evening that marked the end of my studies. A real and true event, the "AEF Evening of the Arts: Dance, Opera and Fashion", at Teatro della Compagnia, where I danced and presented choreography, while Haelan Felton, a colleague from EKU, at AEF to study Fashion, designed the costumes.
Living and studying in Florence, a city steeped in history and art, means experiencing harmony and beauty first-hand. The AEF logo represents this sense of balance, with the Brunelleschi's Dome inscribed in the square and the circle of the Vitruvian Man, and the lettering positioned respecting the proportions of the golden section.
Not just Renaissance art, traditional culture and immortal beauty. Between fashion shows, parties and exclusive events, Florence is transformed into a large catwalk in the name of elegance and the most innovative trends. From January 8 to 11, in fact, the Tuscan capital will be literally invaded by fashion dedicated to men with Pitti Uomo, the largest international platform dedicated to menswear, with the launch of new clothing and accessories collections, and with many new trends in men's fashion.
The New Year has just begun and it’s time to assess the past twelve months, reflecting on our successes and wishing to improve, during the course of the New Year, what did not go as we hoped. An exam to study for, an important interview, a trip that we have been dreaming of for some time: these are the best days to make a list of resolutions and goals to be reached. Moreover, for those who live or study in Florence, there are many opportunities that shouldn’t be missed in 2019. Let's discover them!
Florence is one of the world capitals of art, a majestic open-air museum, immersed in beauty. Speaking of beauty, it comes natural to think of the extraordinary Venus of Botticelli, originally painted for the Medici Villa of Castello, and currently kept in the Uffizi Galleries.